




② my dream job is to be a teacher! why? let me tell you!a teacher may have many students,but many students have the same teacher,so I think teacher is very important in a 。

③These days, the short videos are getting popular. It offers people with joy and happiness, as well as some living tips around us. On the other hand, it also brings in more benefit in advertisement. The most important thing is i。


① in the modern information era, one can't avoid being surrounded by various kinds of advertisements. they serve as a direct bridge between manufactures and consumers. by 。


③ 有趣的“跳蚤市场” 广州市黄埔区文船小学 五年级(2)班 林尤伟 今天下午,天黑蒙蒙的,好像要下雨,但这都没有影响到我们的心情,同学们个个都很兴奋,盼着时间。

④ my desk-mate jenny is my desk-mate. she is a hard-working girl. when she was twelve years old, she won the first in a city-wide poetry recitation contest. now she is chairman 。


① I visited cinema in a sunny afternoon. My friends and me take a lot of snacks to the cinema,but we forget to eat it at last. The film is so good that we forget everthing. It 。


③ i have a penpal she is from australia ,she's name is lucy 。she is 13years old.she has two big eyes,long black hair.i think she is very cute!she like playing the piano.she is 。


MY FAVORITE TV SHOW There're many kinds of TV shows every day. But my favorite TV shows are Animal World and sports. Animal World show is wonderful, from which I 。


可以利用短视频沉淀品牌粉丝,结合社群、微信公众号,打造私域流量池。 带货一定是直播要比短视频更佳,直播电商已经在风口上。淘宝、天猫、拼多多等电商巨头也在利用直播进行卖货。因为直播具有优势,直播间里粉丝可以与主播近距离互动,可以多。